Thursday, January 30, 2020

Short Story Project periods 2 and 4

The First Part will consist of an Outline (list) that will include:

1. Main Character's name (First and Last.) 
2. Character description (physical and personality.)
3. Character motivation (what does your character WANT? What does she or he want MORE than anything else?
4. What are the obstacles that get in the way of your character, making it difficult to achieve what they want.
5. Setting: where and when is your story going to take place? 
6. Details about your setting.
7. Additional characters (names, descriptions, etc.)

This is not your story. I want you to know this before you start. (one grade) Due 2/6/20.

Second Part short story writing (2 to 5 pages typed)

After your character story is approved, then you can start your writing. Your story needs to include the following:

1. Examples of Figurative Language.(use metaphors, similes, etc.)
2. Examples of direct and indirect characterization.
3. Dialogue. (correct punctuation)Please see link
4. Follow Exposition (setting,  character, conflict) Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution.

    Please type using Times New Roman, black Font, size 12, double spaced.
  • Also, include art work which could be photos, drawings, cut-outs, etc.
  • Include a front page with Title of the story, your name, class period, and artwork. Due (2/19/12) 2 grades.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Shakespeare Sway presentation

 Image result for william Shakespeare

Page 1:

You will make a SWAY Presentation after researching about the life of William Shakespeare.

This presentation must include all of the following types of files:

  • Text
  • Video
  • Sound 
  • Graphic/ GIF/JPEG/picture (image files)

William Shakespeare in bold letters at the top
• Picture of Shakespeare
• On the center bottom you will include your first and last name and period of class.

Page 2:

Text and image
KWL Chart: here you should first state what you know about Shakespeare, what you would like to know about him, and after you finish a short explanation about what you learned with the project.

Page 3

Text and Image
• About Shakespeare’s Life: research information about him. Where he was born, family, school, places where he lived (be as specific as you can) work, and finally the court (who were the king and queen during his life, palaces, castles where they lived, city and other pertinent information.

Page 4:

• Works: The Plays. Shakespeare did not write novels. He was a poet and a playwright. At the top of the page list two comedy plays, two tragedies, and two histories. At the bottom of the page glue or draw a picture of The Globe Theatre in London where most of his plays took place.

Page 5:

• SOUND or Video: The sonnets: Shakespeare wrote poems using a form called sonnets, which had 14 lines with an end rhyme that always followed the same pattern: abab cdcd efef gg. His poems were part of a sonnet sequence so they are numbered. Include one of his poems on this page.

Page 6:

Text On this page you will write your own poem.

Page 7

Text and image • Famous Quotes: Finally, on this page you will have 10 famous quotes of his. Two each from the following plays: Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello, Twelfth Night.

This project it is to be done in class. You may work with One partner only. After your research, a presentation of your work to the class will be done.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Graphic Novel MyON Project Due May 30

Image result for romeo and juliet graphic novel

The Project consists of the following MYON Reading:

  • Read: four Shakespeare Graphic novels: Macbeth, MSND, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet
  • Quiz:  One per novel
  • Graphic Organizer: One per novel
  • Opinion: 50 words per novel. Please write your opinion about each of these. What you liked, what you did not, why?

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Explore the world of the Roman Empire (Latin pre-fixes)

Hey kids, to your right there's a super-cool link of a Map of the Roman Empire for you to explore. Since we are going to be studying Latin prefixes and root words, I thought it'd be a good idea to have a view of the Roman World.

Notice that Latin was the language used by Romans, and being in charge of the European world at that time, it made it (Latin) the language everyone had to use to do business, to write and interpret laws, etc.

While English does not come from Latin, more from Old German, Norse (Norway), Swede (Sweden) and other Scandinavian languages, Latin was quite influential on the English language. Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Romanian come directly from the language of the Roman Empire.

You will see how Latin had a strong influence in many English vocabulary words. Almost 48% of English words can be traced to Old French, Norman, and Latin.  Use the map!  It is interactive!

Homework assignment: due 


1- What do you notice when you click on the dates at the bottom of the map? 

2- Where the Romans ever in England? How do you know? What years?

3- Notice that the Celts (pronounced Kelts) were also living in Europe during that time. They did not speak Latin.  What do you notice about the change in color in the map between the last two dates? What can you infer from that?


Thursday, December 3, 2015

Bullying Project period 2 ONLY Due 1/20

Mr. Fernandez The Bully Project


·         You will research statistics on bullying and make a Project Presentation on your findings. Students may work with another students or on their own. Each project must contain the following information:

·         Title: Bullying Statistics Project  (5 points)
·         A completed chart (30 points)
·         A paragraph summarizing your findings (30 points)
·         A map of the United States that shows geographical location of bullying (cities where bullying occurs) 30 points
·         Pictures or drawings / make your project as colorful as possible (5 points)

You will find our class website very helpful. MR. FERNANDEZ
Under Super Duper Links, you will find some of the material required to finish this project. The rest you must find from the Internet.

Date Due:

This project is worth 8 grades

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Utopia Projects periods 2 and 4 Due on 12/10 and 12/11

"A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which Humanity is always landing. —Oscar Wilde"

This project will consist of two parts.


Written report that will start with your proposal of a utopian society following the eight points below and using the attached template. All students must turn in their individual typed report. MUST BE UNIQUE TO THE STUDENT and NOT A GROUP PROJECT! 2 grades


A two dimensional  or three dimensional representation of your or a classmate's utopian city/society.
This part of the project may be done by two (NO MORE THAN TWO) students. 2 grades

Table of Contents